Everything passed my mind... :)
I don't know, whether use English or Bahasa... :D
may be gantian2 aj use bahsa n englisnya... hahaha... :D (LOL)
Kalau dipikir2 aku orgnya thu males bgt yg namanya nulis, crita, dll kyk gni niy dah. Tapi kalo ga dituangin ke dalam bntuk tulisan jdnya mendem sendiri gimanaaa gtu...
These are everything that always buzz my mind and sometimes can't find the answer.. :
1. kalo koruptor yg ud korup brapa milyar gtu msih aj dibiarin b'keliaran... coba ad kriminal kecil kyk nyuri ayam misalnya, pasti dah lgsg dilaporin ke polisi ato dihakimi ndri gtu.. It's just UNFAIR...
2. da aj rumah ato bangunan2 kosong gtu yg masih dijaga, gimanain ga b'hantu??!! yg kyk gtu yg seharusnya digusur tau, bkannya rumah yg b'penghuni yg digusur!! I just don't like people who has high place in goverment do something unfair like this to people under them... XP
3. every unfair things always happen around us.. like, misalnya ortu banding2in kita ke org lain ato banding2in kita sama kehidupan mereka dulu yg susah... padahal jaman aj uda brubah, masih aj kyk gtu... hahahha... weirdo... :D
4. hates people who likes to underestimate their comrades !!!
they just feel they;re the one or they're the best... XP disgusting thing to do... hehe
5. I don't understand.. I love somebody but he never respon it.. but somebody in love with me they're just not good.. I mean...well, uh... mreka thu org2 ga bner gtu ... SKSD
6. whatever I've ddone with all my best, people never recognize it even I talk about it.. di mata mreka ak slalu kurang baik... :'(
7. Aku seneng bgt LKBB PPI tgl 11nov09 dpt juara 1 XD XD XD XD weeeeeee are the champion....!!!! d^^b
8. bersama X.3 Smansa 2009/2010 selalu seruuuu... :D
9. PASMA ku pun juga ssseeeerrrruuuu.... d^^b d^^b